Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Love you and Miss you!

This was written in spring, but never posted...

Its spring time and there is pollen all around. If you come back home after a short walk outside, you could dust off loads and loads of green stuff from your clothes. Thankfully this lasts only for a month or two in a year. But its spring time for 'Love you's and 'Miss you's all year round. You could dust off as much as you want, but you'll be showered with tons more.

If you're staying away from your social circle, be prepared for astronomical proportions of this stuff. And maybe its the 'in-thing' in India, just like there are other million things that people say when they open or close a conversation, that have absolutely no sincerity. Incidentally, its the female species who is infected by this phenomena severely, although you would see an occasional male mouthing these frivolities too! The quintessential aunt, the cheesy girl friend, the long lost school friend, the college-mate who you never spoke to in college, an ex-colleague who you knew, hated you from the gut! All these are the primary carriers of the pollen.

But sit down and think about how many times your mom or dad said, "I love you my child and I miss you. Although, I am immensely proud to see you doing so well wherever you go, but there is not a moment when I wish you were here by my side." They never have to say it and you do your best to prevent them having to say it aloud. Or think about how many times your closest friend says to you, "I miss you because every time there is something I have to tell you, I hold it inside me is because I don't want to bother you, since you are far away!"

Sometimes, there are things you rather not say. But yesterday a dear friend of mine messaged and said, "hey there, whats up! Study hard and get those exams out of your way. Btw heard your favorite song on the radio and remembered you. Missed you! :("

How was this different from the green dust? I have no answer, but I thank god that I have learnt to differentiate now!